
Floodway Gardens is located just 8 km beyond the Winnipeg North Perimeter. Our address is:

567 Shalom Path
Narol, MB, R1C 0C3

Driving directions from Winnipeg:

  1. Drive north on Hwy 59 past the north perimeter
  2. Turn left on 202 into Birds Hill town
  3. Drive through the town then turn left on Julius Fahr then immediately right on Rebeck road
  4. Drive 3.5 km north on Rebeck to Shalom Path and follow signs to the field


  1. Drive north down Henderson Hwy, 8 km past north perimeter
  2. Turn right on Mckay Road to the dead end and follow the signs to the field


  1. Henderson 7 km past north perimeter, turn right on Bowen to the dead end
  2. Turn left on Rebeck Rd for 1 km to Shalom Path (Bowen Rd has no gravel) and follow the signs to the field.